Bilbao, Finished 2019
Vivienda y Suelo de Euskadi, S.A. (Visesa)
In cooperation with
Area: 6.388 sqm
HPO floor area: 30.905 sqm
HPO dwelligns: 361
Activities floor area: 1.400 sqm
Floor area: 19.166 sqm
190 underground parking places
Budget: 28.500.000 €
The project is part of the PERI (interior reform special plan) for industrial area development located on Ibaizabal river banks, the Bilbao southern area.
Two separate buildings from level ground, PB + 9 both of them, topped by two towers (PB + 27 and PB + 20 respectively), with commercial use ground floor, and common basement floors with parking and storage use.
The project has been designed in accordance with the Passivhaus standards energy requirements, and will be built with technical improvements in insulation, thermal bridges measures control, high-performance and recovery heat systems.