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Cornellà de Llobregat, 2013


Cooperativa de Construcciones Baix Llobregat



Total floor area: 191,38 sqm

High ceiling above ground: 803,88 sqm

Dweeling floor area: 685,13 m2st

Parking floor area: 118,75 m2st



Projected building with frontage on three winds Walk Railways Catalans, consisting ground floor, four floors and roof.


The building is projected leaning Walk Catalan railways where there is pedestrian access and attached to the dividing wall of the building bordering the east side . The vehicle access occurs to the north in C / Amadeu Vives , and the West, adjacent to the intersection C / Amadeu Vives and Paseo Railways Catalans on the old railway station .

It is a building housing and parking for 8 , where all houses have ventilation in the room and ensure the assolejament live between 10 and 12 hours in the winter solstice sun .

  C/ Santiago Rusiñol, 9 Baixos · 08050 Esplugues de Llobregat · Barcelona · · Tel 93 371 97 70 · Fax 93 371 63 97


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